A family home that has been well-loved and lived in for many years can become worn down and in need of updating and as the family grows and changes, the home needs to adapt to meet their needs, and the same is true for our church building.

Our building is a wonderful gift that is used for our own Church family but we also want to make it fit for purpose to serve the wider City and region. The new works will give us:
  • A dedicated 24/7 Prayer Hub
  • A cafe that will be open throughout the week
  • A collaborative, community working space
  • Provide a place of warm welcome
  • Rentable spaces that serve our community and generate income
  • And more…


Choose an item from our online list, sponsor it and
directly support the cause.
Jesus said, 'My house, will be called a house of prayer...' Part of the new build­ing works will give us a dedicated prayer hub that can be open 24/7. We are calling our AN family to a life of prayer.
Join the prayer hub: www.allnations.org.uk/prayer
Give Online:
Prayerfully consider what you can give financially to enable our building to be made fit for purpose. You can give online by filling out the form and hitting proceed to continue to payment processing.

Standing Order:
Give via standing order or bank transfer using our bank details below. Once you’ve made a payment please let us know at accounts@allnations.org.uk so we can acknowledge your payment.

Barclays Bank
Account Number: 13961591
Sort Code: 20-97-78
Reference: (Your Surname)
Fundraising is a great way to make a difference in the world. It allows you to support causes that you care about, and it can also be a lot of fun. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to grow in their faith and help make an impact in their community, regardless of their financial situation. There are many different ways to fundraise, so you can find an approach that fits your personality and skills.

If this is something in which you feel is more you're avenue we would love to help you and support you, we have put together a fundraising pack that is filled with ideas and an event poster to help you get the ball rolling. Click on the button below to download this pack.

Why are we building (again)?

Our Physical building is a tremendous gift and we believe it can be used in numerous ways to serve not just our church family on Sunday but open throughout the week to better serve the community. We are also an apostolic hub and believe we are place where there will be training equipping and sending to the nations.

In order to use it to its fullest potential we need to make some updates practically such as heating the foyer and mezzanine, creating multiple rooms on the mezz, adding a 24/7 prayer hub, increasing storage and fully sound proofing our studios.

If Home Church is the main expression of church why do we need to improve the building?

We believe that we are called to be in our communities discipling others, and that large gatherings can be a beautiful part of our lives as believers. We also believe that disciples are made in smaller, relational groups, where relationships can be formed and individuals can grow in their faith.

Large gatherings can be a great way to connect with other believers, celebrate our shared faith and worship the Lord as one. Thus, our heart to invest and find creative ways in which our building can be adapted to suit kingdom advancement.

Should I still be giving financially?

Yes of course. Firstly, it’s biblical to bring God our first and our best. (Acts 4.34-35, Proverbs 3.9-10) Secondly our activities both within the Hub and throughout our City, region and beyond are growing.

The faithful and generous giving from the All Nations family enable the ongoing Kingdom work we have the privilege of doing.

Find out how to give