Ordinary and Extraordinary

God calls ordinary people to do extraordinary things. In this passage, Luke tells of how Jesus calls the first disciples to follow him and become ‘fishers of people’. God has given us this same calling as he wants us to spread the gospel throughout the nations.
In this passage, we see that Jesus provides abundantly for His children. Simon Peter the experienced fisherman had been working throughout the night but had caught nothing. Jesus came along and told him to try again, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch’. Although sceptical and somewhat begrudgingly, Simon did as he was told. In doing so, he caught more fish than he could ever imagine possible, so many that the nets began to break. We need to learn to trust God as Simon did. When Simon simply took Jesus at His word and trusted him, look at what happened in his life.

Imagine if you had worked tirelessly and had no success, then a man walks up and tells you to try again, what would you think? In the natural, we’re taught that the definition of insanity is ‘doing the same thing twice and expecting the same results’ so I’d be like Simon: ‘Really? You want me to try again? I’ve been at it all night & got nowhere!’ But it’s not insanity if God is telling us to do something – counter intuitive maybe, but the opposite of insanity – it’s wisdom; we need to trust God and his perfect timing, that He will provide for us.

Not only do we need to trust God, we need to be obedient to him. Simon was sceptical but was still obedient. If you look at this story and think of the fish as people, God provided the fish for Simon and in the same way, when it comes to our own witness, we must trust and believe that God will provide the people for us to speak to. But for God to provide for us, we need to be obedient and do as he tells us. Simple trust and obedience in God, like Simon who took Jesus at his word, will lead to wonders worked through you and in your life.

After that, Simon fell to his knees before Jesus and said, ‘Go away from me Lord; I am a sinful man.’ Simon was an ordinary man, he didn’t feel worthy of what Jesus had done for him and he was so in awe of Jesus that he fell to his knees. Jesus responded saying, ‘Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.’ At this, the fishermen left everything to follow Jesus and become fishers of people. We are called to do the same. Leave everything, to become Jesus-followers and fishers of people.

God still provides for people as He provided for Simon in this passage. Jesus didn’t give them what they couldn’t handle, the fish didn’t overturn their boats - it was the right amount. God won’t give us something we can’t handle without Him. He has a plan and a purpose for our lives to advance His kingdom.

Simon was an ordinary man, living a simple fisherman’s existence. He sinned just like us, yet God still called him to do great works for Him, just as He has called us.

Will you take up the challenge to listen to God, take Him at His word, trust Him completely, leave everything for Him and tell others about His wonder-working power and love for them?

- Emma Sampson

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